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Kidcam Summer Day Camp
  • Criteria for Participation
    Participants must be in good mental, emotional and social health and be able to function in a group setting in a positive and cooperative manner that displays tolerance and respect for themselves and others. We ask that campers can independently function in a 10:1 camper/counselor environment, as well as areas with lots of noise when all campers are together. Our staff is trained to create a safe, fun camp environment, but our staff is not trained to manage individual education plans or specialized needs that requires more attention to the point of not being able to give equal attention to the rest of a group. We do our best to partner with parents to work together to determine if Kidcam will be a positive experience and suitable for your child prior to enrolling their child. We ask any parent who has questions on whether or not Kidcam is the right summer camp for their child to attend a Director Information Session and speak to the camp director regarding the needs of the camper. Campers with multiple Level 1-4 incident reports, written warnings and/or suspensions, will be asked to not return to camp at the request of the Camp Director. See Incident Levels below for definition.
  • Registration Fee and Enrollment
    There is a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $60 for camp. Siblings may register for $45. Enrollment for a week closes once a camp reaches capacity. It is recommended to purchase all weeks needed as soon as possible. Weekly enrollment may close prior to 3 PM the Thursday prior to a camp week, based on the location’s capacity. Tuition costs may increase $10 per week if purchased after 3pm on the Thursday prior to a week. A camper’s place at camp is not secured until tuition for the week attending is paid in full. Registration fee no longer guarantees a spot. Any camp reserves the right to close enrollment based on capacity before 3:00 PM on the Thursday prior to each camp week. Campers may not be dropped off at camp without being enrolled for that week. Any camper not enrolled for a week will not be allowed to stay.
  • Tax Information
    Did you know Summer Camp qualifies as a Dependent Care Tax Deduction? To access your Summer Camp Receipt with Tax ID: Login to your parent account at On the Parent Home page click the “Camp Account Details” button. For the “Site” drop down choose: “Site Name & Term” The page displayed will show you your accounts and payments. There is a “Print Receipt Summary” button at top of parent page to download a copy of your parent receipt. Tax ID for camps located in Orleans, Jefferson (East Bank), Ouachita, St. Charles, St. John, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa Parishes, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and Tennessee is 82-0577930. Tax ID for camps located in the Bayou Region and Westbank is 47-5030133. Tax ID for Lafayette is 27-4886352.
  • Camp Hours
    All camps take place Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM unless specifically noted on the camp page. Campers should be checked in no later than 8:50 AM to be present for morning meetings which begin promptly 9:00 AM. Any campers arriving after 9:00 AM must be signed in by the parent in the camp office. There will be no camp on Memorial Day or July 4th.
  • Before Care and After Care
    **NEW** Before Care begins at 7:00 AM* and is $2 per camper from 7:00AM - 8:30AM. Campers may arrive between 8:30AM - 8:55AM at no charge. The camp day begins at 9:00AM. Before care at Pelican Park begins at 7:30 AM. Before care at Madisonville Maritime Louisiana begins at 7:15 AM. Childcare is also available after camp until 6:00 PM*, at a rate of $4 per hour (siblings $2 per hour). Before Care and Aftercare must be prepaid. Charging or crediting to your account will not be allowed. Any camper(s) not picked up by 6 PM will incur a late fee of $1/minute for every minute late. After care at Pelican Park and Madisonville Maritime Louisiana ends at 5:30 PM. *Time may vary by camp.
  • Refunds
    Registration fees are non-refundable. A $10 administrative fee will be processed for any tuition refunds. Refund requests must be made no later than four (4) weeks prior to the week a camper is enrolled to start. After this date, we are unable to provide refunds as the space has been allocated to that camper and waitlist options are closed. Not attending the program for any reason does not entitle a refund. When registering a camper, it reserves space, time, and staffing whether or not your child attends the program.  Refund request will only be accepted by submitting your request via email to Exceptions to Refunds If a child is dismissed from camp due camp related injury, or at the request of a director for behavior or other incidents, a refund on future weeks purchased will be given (the current week will not be pro-rated). If a camp must close for two or more days due to weather or sickness outbreak, the refund process will be determined at that time. Loss of fees due to illness or injury will be refunded at 50% of missed days when a doctor’s note is provided. 'Missed Days' are for days that fall after we are notified of the circumstance. Refunds are not given for days that are missed without notification. The loss of fees will be shared equally by the parents and camp. No refund will be issued without a doctor’s note.
  • Transfer of Weeks
    Transfer requests will be accepted if the request is made no less than 10 days leading up to the week of the transfer, and there is available space remaining in the week requested. If space in a week is not available, and the request is made less than 4 weeks prior to a camper’s start date, Kidcam may transfer funds to a PrePaid account for future use towards tuition, aftercare or food. Any unused funds are non-refundable and will rollover to future camp terms. A $10 administrative fee per camper, per week will be added to all transfer requests that can be accommodated.  Transfer requests will only be accepted by submitting your request via email to
  • Daily Basics
    Please apply sunscreen to your child before camp. If you would like for sunscreen to be reapplied by a counselor during camp, please make sure to complete and submit the sunscreen waiver. Campers should bring a backpack to camp daily with the following items: refillable water bottle sunscreen swimsuit and towels for water days For younger campers, a full change of clothes is always helpful to have in their bag. Label all your camper’s belongings with their name (clothing, bags, water bottles, etc.).
  • Incident Reporting
    Incident Reporting Levels and Process Level 1 Incident: Minor scrapes, bumps, accidental physical interaction with another camper. Parent Notification: automated ‘Be Like Rocky’ email to parent. Level 2 Incident: Head injury, blood, excessive tears, fever, vomit, dizziness, heat exhaustion, altercation with another camper, or anything considered major. Parent Notification: automated email and phone call to parent. Level 3 Incident: Any inappropriate or uncomfortable touching, bullying, physical attack with or without injury inflicted on or by another camper, racial slurs, excessive language, or any incident that involving behavior, language, or disruption at camp. Level Three incidents will result in a written warning from the director.* Parent Notification: automated email and phone call to parent. Level 4 Incident: Weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vapes, serious physical or emotion harm/injury inflicted towards another person.* Parent Notification: automated email, phone call/in-person meeting with parent, and may result in immediate expulsion from camp. All parents will be notified via email or robo call if a dangerous situation occurs where police, EMS, Fire Dept. or other emergency agencies are needed on-site or are on campus grounds. (active shooter, tornado, shelter in place, etc.) *The number of incidents and level of severity will be taken into consideration by the director and Kidcam Basecamp to determine action which can include but not limited to suspension or immediate expulsion from camp.
  • Camp Uniform
    CAMP SHIRTS MUST BE WORN EVERY DAY!! There is NO exception to this rule unless a day is noted on your schedule as “costume day” or other type of special dress day. If a camper comes to camp without a camp shirt, the camper MUST purchase a shirt to remain in camp that day. The parents also have the option to bring a shirt to camp. Please label all shirts, shorts, shoes, towels, water bottles and lunch boxes, or other items brought from home. Camp merchandise may be purchased in the camp office based on availability. For safety reasons, closed toe tennis shoes must be worn to camp daily. Sandals, crocs, or flip-flops may be packed in their bag for use during swimming, waterslide, or other water activities. Each camp will have a Lost & Found table at the front entrance each week of a camp. At the end of camp, remaining Lost & Found items will be donated.
  • Electronics and Personal Property
    Campers should leave all personal technology, toys and sports equipment at home unless approved by the Director for a specialized activity. Campers, parents, staff and guests are not allowed to use drugs, alcohol or tobacco on any Kidcam Camp property. The Camp Director can and will authorize the search of backpacks and other enclosed items in search for any suspected contraband. Campers, parents, staff and guests are forbidden to have a weapon of any kind at camp. Weapons at camp is grounds for immediate expulsion. Campers are not allowed to use cell phones on camp property. All personal property is the responsibility of the owner. Kidcam Camps and its staff are not responsible for any loss or damage.
Kidcam Summer Day Camp Safe Fun
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